Friday 30 September 2016

Our product

Today we came with our product . Daun Kapal Terbang Oil . Our company was decide we will improve future . Our product now not a mint oil . But it will give the best effect to the patient . Our product expired in 2 years . So it can take a long time usefull . To ensure our company wil survive longer in this industry . We will make a many product soon . So wait for our company product . See you soon dude .

Tuesday 6 September 2016

We have done our presentation to our companyy

We have done our presentation about our company to cooprate people that who want to help our company to more succesfull . We hope our presentation can give advantage to our company in selling product . 

Adress or our company

Bangunan Huile Care Enterprise ,
Jalan Pandak Mayah , Pekan Kuah
0770000 Kuah , Kedah .
So that is our adress . For those who want to get our product , you can come and visit my place. 

Monday 1 August 2016

Company name and Logo .

Our company logo was doneee ! Such a beutiful logooo . Check it out ! And our company name is HUILE CARE ENTERPRISE 

Sunday 24 July 2016

Today we meet the special person !

Today such a great for our company because today we have met a person who can teach us to make Minyak Daun Kapal Terbang . ! Horayyyy ! . The name of that people is Pakcik Othman ( Pak Man , blue shirt ) . We have get many input from him . The place we have met at Semenyih , Selangor . Sooo , the input that we have get , we will update soon.. So wait for us in another updateee . Buybyeeee !

Wednesday 20 July 2016

group members

hello everybody...i am AMIROL ASYRAF BIN ZAINAL from JENGKA PAHANG...i am 32 years old...i am not to young to be organization officer..i will organize this company very well...just see..huhuhu..i can make sure that this company always profit and doing some strategies to upgrade this company..this company product is the greatest ever in the world...that all from me...just se ya my company meletop out our company MENGAMOK..BYE2..

one of group member

my name is SAIFUL NIZAR BIN MD DIAH... i from PENGKALAN HULU this company my position is as a finance officer... i will manage all transaction for this company...i will make sure our company stay long in this are star in the sky that all from me.  See you soon dudeee . Halaluyeahhh !